Showing posts with label Capitalization. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Capitalization. Show all posts

Find Out How I Get My Students To Use Capitalization And Punctuation Like Superheroes!

Capitalization and punctuation practice, activities, and anchor charts to use with your students. Help make your students proficient in the rules of proper capitalization and punctuation while having fun doing it!

     Every year it has been a struggle to get my firsties to use capitalization and punctuation correctly... But not this year! This year my first grade friends are doing a FANTABULOUS job with their sentence writing, and I wanted to share with you what has made all the difference!
and a little bit of COSTUMING...
and you have

Capitalization and punctuation practice, activities, and anchor charts to use with your students. Help make your students proficient in the rules of proper capitalization and punctuation while having fun doing it!

Here is how it works...I introduce one "Sentence Superhero" per week. We review that same hero all week. Let's say this week the Superhero is....
I will write the morning message each day without exclamation points. We will then review what EXCLAMATION POINT WOMAN does.

Capitalization and punctuation practice, activities, and anchor charts to use with your students. Help make your students proficient in the rules of proper capitalization and punctuation while having fun doing it!

I will choose a student each day that week to BE 

Capitalization and punctuation practice, activities, and anchor charts to use with your students. Help make your students proficient in the rules of proper capitalization and punctuation while having fun doing it!

Now, the job of SENTENCE SUPERHERO is not to be taken lightly! It involves, wearing the superhero necklace (the circles in the slide from above), and the superhero cape (I had made this for myself  as part of a  Halloween costume a couple years ago, but you could use a towel pinned to the back of their shirt), but it also involves SAVING SENTENCES IN THE CLASSROOM FROM HAVING MISSING PUNCTUATION!!!!

Capitalization and punctuation practice, activities, and anchor charts to use with your students. Help make your students proficient in the rules of proper capitalization and punctuation while having fun doing it!

We assist the SENTENCE SUPERHERO in correcting the morning message each day, and then review the punctuation rules he/she upheld.

Capitalization and punctuation practice, activities, and anchor charts to use with your students. Help make your students proficient in the rules of proper capitalization and punctuation while having fun doing it!

We take our time and do one SENTENCE SUPERHERO per week. This is a picture of 
PERIOD BOY saving the day!

Capitalization and punctuation practice, activities, and anchor charts to use with your students. Help make your students proficient in the rules of proper capitalization and punctuation while having fun doing it!

Now does he look proud or what?!

Capitalization and punctuation practice, activities, and anchor charts to use with your students. Help make your students proficient in the rules of proper capitalization and punctuation while having fun doing it!

COMMA GIRL in action!

Capitalization and punctuation practice, activities, and anchor charts to use with your students. Help make your students proficient in the rules of proper capitalization and punctuation while having fun doing it!

After we have finished our tour of all the SENTENCE SUPERHEROES, we then move on to whole class practice! We take one day to review together on the Smartboard and on a practice page, and then the second day we have independent practice.

Capitalization and punctuation practice, activities, and anchor charts to use with your students. Help make your students proficient in the rules of proper capitalization and punctuation while having fun doing it!

Here is CAPTAIN CAPITALIZATION saving the world from "lower case letteritis".

Capitalization and punctuation practice, activities, and anchor charts to use with your students. Help make your students proficient in the rules of proper capitalization and punctuation while having fun doing it!

Whew! I feel safer already! Don't you?

Capitalization and punctuation practice, activities, and anchor charts to use with your students. Help make your students proficient in the rules of proper capitalization and punctuation while having fun doing it!

Then we practice together.

Capitalization and punctuation practice, activities, and anchor charts to use with your students. Help make your students proficient in the rules of proper capitalization and punctuation while having fun doing it!

Capitalization and punctuation practice, activities, and anchor charts to use with your students. Help make your students proficient in the rules of proper capitalization and punctuation while having fun doing it!

We go through all the Superheroes in this way, and the kids LOVE IT! But the best part is, THEY GET IT!!
Capitalization and punctuation practice, activities, and anchor charts to use with your students. Help make your students proficient in the rules of proper capitalization and punctuation while having fun doing it!

Maybe this cape actually does have superpowers afterall?!

If this sounds like something you would like to try with your students, I have the entire packet already done for you! 

Capitalization and punctuation practice, activities, and anchor charts to use with your students. Help make your students proficient in the rules of proper capitalization and punctuation while having fun doing it!

Click on the image above to get my Sentence Superheroes Pack.

Thanks for reading!

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